How to apply for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana?


Housing as a human right was recognized by the Government of India in June 2015 when it published a public plan for the economically weaker sections of the society. This plan is called Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna. This initiative covers the target of providing over 20 million housing facilities to citizens who cannot afford to buy a house. This help by the government includes initiating an interest subsidy of 6.5% on housing loan availed by the beneficiary stretching out to 20 years. Also, this housing loan is filed under the Credit Link Subsidy Scheme (CLSS). This plan is seen to be delivered by the year 2020. The government wishes to cover 2,508 cities under this scheme. The idea is to promote a developed housing facility which includes clean drinking water, toilets and electricity connection.

The target audience is the urban poor of our society. This section is the part of urbanization but has income below the poverty line. PMAY covers the scheme of providing a house to this section. The funding of the houses goes up to Rs. 2 trillion extended by the central government. This plan also grants service to rural and slum areas with the central idea of development and promotes to improve the living and health conditions of the slum by utilizing the land as an important resource by the assistance of the private sector. The houses will use eco-friendly techniques. Private institutions like ICIC bank and IIFL Home loans help the beneficiary through this process of giving subsidized loan under the Credit link Subsidy Scheme.


The eligibility criteria include the citizens who fall below the poverty line income column. The plan divides these citizens into three groups- annual income below Rs. 3 lakh is Economic Weaker Section, annual income between Rs. 4-6 lakh as Low-Income group, and annual income between Rs. 6-18 Lakh is the Middle-income group. The low and middle-income groups can apply for this scheme. The last date was 31st March 2019. The economic weaker sections can apply until 31st March 2020. It is necessary for none of these above-mentioned candidates to already own a house in any part of India.


The online website dedicates a section to Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. The application makes it necessary for the holder to have an Aadharcard on his name. This is the first step to obtain the subsidy.

After the Aadhar card gets verified, the system has the correct information about the candidate. It proceeds to input the personal details of the holder. Already discussed the eligibility criteria, the government divides the candidates into three groups. The Credit Link Subsidy Scheme usually helps the low and middle-income groups, where the government covers a part of the home loan through a subsidy. The beneficiary is required to either have joint accounts with a female in the family or an individual account of the female itself to pass the subsidy.

To apply

  • The Citizen Assessment Benefits under three components Aadhar numbersubmit.
  • The opens the second for-
  • Under the requireinformationofsurvey, fill in the details asked- name, income, residential address, income, caste.
  • Fill in the captchacodeand submit.

Related to PMAY, there is another scheme called Rajiv AWAS YOJANA (RAY), which promotes the human right of healthy living to slum dwellers. This scheme works with private-sector contributors to construct better dwelling places for them. A slum area is a poorly constructed location where over 300 dwellers have a living. This government plans to provide them with a permanent address. The scheme grants the slum dwellers to avail this service by 2020.

To apply

  • Login to the link > citizen assessment > For slum dwellers.
  • Enter Aadhar card >submit.
  • This will lead you to the next form of personal information- Name, head of the family, Income, Caste, address of the slum, contact number, age.
  • Enter the Captcha Code> Submit.

Points to remember:

•          Aadhar card is an important piece of documentation to apply under this plan.

•          Once applied, one cannot re-apply for the same scheme twice. The Aadhar Card can be identified.

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One Reply to “How to apply for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana?”

  1. Khalid Hussain

    Sir मुझे प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना से होम लोन लेना है उसके लिए मुझे क्या करना है

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