Advice for Students to Improve Their Reading Habits


Reading has unfortunately fallen out of favor in today’s technological age, where information is readily available. The proliferation of OTT (Over-The-Top) platforms and other non-reading entertainment technologies, such as video games and social media, has contributed to a decline in reading as a recreational activity among many students. As a result, it’s critical to recognise the importance of reading and the benefits it provides.

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Students who read fantasy novels or spy thrillers demonstrated a strong command of the language. This is because reading such books can pique your interest, resulting in a better understanding of language.

Establish a reading routine-Many students struggle to sit and read for long periods of time. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start small by allocating a few minutes per day to read a few pages of a book. You can gradually increase the length of your reading sessions. Choose a time of day when you have time to read, such as in the afternoon after school or in the evening before bed.

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Right reading material-Finding the right reading material that interests you is an important step toward developing a reading habit. Whether it’s a fiction book, biography, or academic article, choose something that piques your interest and motivates you to read. Don’t be afraid to try new genres and authors to broaden your horizons and challenge your assumptions. Finding the right reading material can significantly improve your reading habits.

Join reading groups or book clubs-Joining book clubs or reading groups can help you develop good reading habits. These groups offer the opportunity to discuss books, share opinions, and connect with like-minded people who enjoy reading.

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Minimize Distractions-In today’s digital age, students are frequently distracted, which can impair their ability to concentrate on reading. When you’re ready to read, find a quiet place with no distractions. Turn off any devices that could interfere with your concentration. Use a reading app that blocks notifications and distractions on your phone or computer. Create a routine that tells your brain it’s time to read. Schedule it and make it a regular part of your day.

Have reading fun-Reading should be fun, not a chore. Make reading enjoyable by organizing reading challenges or making a reading list with friends. You can also reward yourself for finishing a book or article by doing something you enjoy, such as watching a movie or hanging out with friends.

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