Tips to manage anger in your children

chilhood Anger

Childhood anger is explained as you can say your Childs frustration over challenges he/she wont be able to complete easily. it can be explained as frustration or learned behaviour from the older children of your house. When a child is facing problem in completing any given task he will make several excuses for not completing it. he can’t express his feelings  so he became angry soon. how you can deal with this kind of behaviour of your child follow the steps mentioned below.

1. When your child is angry If you again shout on him this will make the situation worse and unmanageable. So try to remain calm if you will not give attention to his behaviour it will not happen again.

2. Always follow a strict daily routine for your child .it will make him disciplined.

3. Always encourage your little child to use words for their expression. so that when he became frustrated he will tell what was his feeling that time.

4. Always stay calm and cool on wrong behaviour of your child and when your child starts crying wait for 2 to 3 minutes .when he stops crying then he will get interested in something else. If your child can explain the situation why he is angry have a discussion with him and try to give him solution and tell him not to repeat next time.

5. Always praise him when he is showing good behaviour. Feel proud of the activities of good behaviour of your child.

6. Dont punish your child for childhood anger otherwise he will keep his anger and frustration inside and it is not good at all for his development.

7. You have to be calm in most of the situation coming in front of you when he is showing tantrums.

8. Childhood anger is a part of growing up and it is very normal. A kind, loving understanding approach is required to deal with it.

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