Natural Remedies to get rid of a severe tooth ache; Must Try


Sometimes we face severe tooth ache suddenly and it is almost unbearable. Some of the home remedies we will discuss in this article which will give you relieve from toothache. It is a common problem faced by everybody. There are so many reasons for a toothache like cavities, infection if there is pain in our tooth we cannot enjoy our meal and even it affects our sleep as well. Here are some home remedies you can opt to get relief of the toothache.

1. Clove– it is an old method of getting rid of toothache. You can have a hot clove tea or you can rub the clove oil on the infected area it will get you relief from toothache.

2. Salt water– you can rinse your mouth with salt water it is very simple to use and very effective. Add some salt in to lukewarm water and rinse your mouth with it. You can also mix salt with mustard oil and rub it gently on infected area it will give you relief from toothache.

3. Cold compress– it is commonly used method and it can be used after injury as well. Wrap some ice in a towel and place this on the affected area of the face for some time it will get you relief from toothache.

4. Garlic– garlic is commonly found at our home. It is also helpful in controlling toothache. Garlic has anti bacterial properties and it also helps you to get rid of the pain in tooth. You can have garlic tea or you can chew fresh garlic clove it would be helpful in getting rid of the pain.

5. Pepper mint– peppermint can reduce your pain in tooth and sensitive gums. you can place peppermint hot tea bag in affected area to get rid of the tooth pain.

After using all these remedies if you are still experiencing the tooth ache again and again don’t ignore it and visit the dental doctor as early as possible

Disclaimer- this article is based an advice provides general information only. it varies from person to person.  we cannot substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a doctor for more information the writer does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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